miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

First term: good and bad points

Lately I don't remember what I did even yesterday, so sincerely I don't remember very well how the first term of 2012 was. With regards to academic things, I liked two of my subjects very much, so it was good to attend at university. Moreover I did capoeira twice a week and it was very fun.
However during this fast first term I met very interesting people and I learned a lot of new things. In regards to sentimental things, I find someone very especial, so in this way it was generally a good term. Of course it isn’t the only important thing that happened to me but as I don’t have a good memory it’s difficult to say more.
Another very positive aspect of last term is that some important things of my quotidian life have changed. In this way, three persons who used to live with me have gone, so now there are different people living in my house, which is good in some aspects. Finally to conclude it was a good first term for me.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi,

    I think it's nice to have a special person in your life. I wish you my best (:

  2. It's great you pass a nice first term :)
